Results of the Post 2021 Method

Stream Information
Site Id MWA-02-28-02
Name Buckhorn (DS)
County Mecosta
Description Downstream of dam beginning at the foot bridge immediately upstream from the confluence with the Muskegon River and extending 300' upstream.
Latitude 43.79251
Longitude -85.50084

Macro Order Entry Information
Date 2023-06-16
Collection Time Start 12:50:00.00
Avg Water Depth(ft) 1
Weather conditions from last week Rain day before; very dry
Site Condition Issues None
Habitat Riffles presence
Habitat Rocks presence
Habitat Aquatic Plants absence
Habitat Runs presence
Habitat Backwater presence
Habitat Leaf Packs presence
Habitat Pools presence
Habitat Undercut-Vegetation presence
Habitat Wood presence
Collection Finish Time 13:25:00.00
ID Confidence 5
Hellgrammite (Dobsonfly) 1
Clubtail Dragonfly --
Stonefly 5
Sensitive True Flies (water snipe fly, net-winged midge, dixid midge) --
Caddisfly 78
Mayfly 62
Dragonfly --
Alderfly --
Beetle 5
Free Living Caddisfly --
True Bug 2
Somewhat Sensitive True Flies 48
Scud 25
Crayfish 2
Damselfly --
Bivalves/Snails --
Sowbug 7
Tolerant Truefly (mosquito, rat-tailed maggot, soldier fly) 2
Leech --
Aquatic Worm --
Total Abundance 237
Total Diversity 11
Water Quality Rating Score 4.02
Water Quality Rating Category Very Good