Results of the Post 2021 Method

Stream Information
Site Id MWA-08-05-01
Name Big Creek
County Roscommon
Description 150 feet of both sides of the culvert located on Dewey Avenue
Latitude 44.497382
Longitude -84.777824

Macro Order Entry Information
Date 2021-09-17
Collection Time Start 10:15:00.00
Avg Water Depth(ft) 1
Weather conditions from last week N/A
Site Condition Issues N/A
Habitat Riffles presence
Habitat Rocks absence
Habitat Aquatic Plants presence
Habitat Runs absence
Habitat Backwater presence
Habitat Leaf Packs presence
Habitat Pools presence
Habitat Undercut-Vegetation presence
Habitat Wood presence
Collection Finish Time 11:00:00.00
ID Confidence 4
Hellgrammite (Dobsonfly) --
Clubtail Dragonfly --
Stonefly --
Sensitive True Flies (water snipe fly, net-winged midge, dixid midge) --
Caddisfly --
Mayfly --
Dragonfly --
Alderfly --
Beetle --
Free Living Caddisfly --
True Bug --
Somewhat Sensitive True Flies --
Scud --
Crayfish --
Damselfly --
Bivalves/Snails --
Sowbug --
Tolerant Truefly (mosquito, rat-tailed maggot, soldier fly) --
Leech --
Aquatic Worm --
Total Abundance --
Total Diversity --
Water Quality Rating Score 10
Water Quality Rating Category Very Poor